Developer by Trade

Problem-Solver by Heart

UVA gave me the theory and Amazon gave me the experience. I think big to make people's lives easier with software.


About Me

I'm a fourth year at the University of Virginia pursuing a BS in Computer Science and a BA in Math. Growing up, I produced electronic music, videos, and video games. It wasn't until college that I discovered a passion for the ultimate digital project: software. Since writing my first JavaScript programs to successfully get accepted into the Forge Launch program, I have quickly accelerated in skill and experience, most recently as a Software Developer in Test at Amazon.

Away from the coding scene, you'll find me performing a cappella or musical theatre, roleplaying in Dungeons and Dragons, or making beautiful lattes. I still produce original video game music to upload on Pete's Beats YouTube. To vegetate, I turn to 8-Bit Music Theory, 3Blue1Brown, TedEd, Kurzgesagt, and other informative YouTube channels. I also love challenging myself with riddles, thought experiments, and mathematical puzzles, previously spending a couple months cracking the impossible chessboard puzzle.

Ultimately, I aim to leverage software to solve complex problems with elegant solutions. Whether I'm designing an automated build system or an event management application, I'm committed to providing my customer with a product they love.

My Projects

A few original products I've created and deployed

Deep Learning on Food Bank Data

See how my team and I used dimensionality reduction, clustering, and a DNN to classify 130 VA counties with 100% accuracy. Part of the Machine Learning For Virginia (ML4VA) competition.

HoosHappenings Mega-App

Sign in with your own Google account and create or find events around UVA. Semester-long group project for Advanced Software Development

UVA Class Search

Search for a given class using my university's API. Simple, user-friendly, and informative.

Palindrome Detector

Determine if your text reads the same forwards as backwards, including 3 parameters.

Real Estate Manager

Manage your own real estate data using a Java-programmed graphical user interface.

Contact me

thepetertessier "at" gmail "dot" com